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"We interrupt this program... ..."

On September 11, 2001 every routine in America was abruptly interrupted! For some the world stood still. For others everything was thrust into fast forward as they rushed about in an attempt to assure themselves that their world was still safe, that their loved ones were not among those whose lives had just been shattered by the hand of one whose only objective was to cause senseless pain and grief to "innocents". 

My usual morning routine was to watch the morning news programs on television while I checked my email. This particular morning Bryant Gumbel had something on that held my attention, although to this day I cannot remember what it was. I heard the all too familiar words, "We interrupt this program... ...".  My attention was immediately riveted to the television as I viewed the replay of a plane crashing into the first tower only to be followed by the second devastating collision.  Soon after even more precious lives were lost as another plane slammed into the Pentagon, while a fourth plane filled with the bravest of American souls crashed into a field near Pittsburgh, taking all hope of survival with them, in order to save the lives of others they would never know. The Twin Towers crumbled to the ground taking thousands of lives in the process. Our world as we had known it would never be the same again. 

What were you doing that day? Where were you? My routine life was already interrupted because my 90 year old mother-in-law was in the hospital clinging to her own life by only a thread. I wondered that morning when I got to the hospital if I should turn the television off in her room so she would not be traumatized by the days events. Then, the realization came that this was the first world event that she would miss. She would never have to bare the pain of another war because she was not aware of life as we knew it anymore. 

Born in 1911, she saw every war of the twentieth century and lost loved ones many times. This time she was being spared but at what cost to those who loved her. Many times she had recounted to us how she had struggled through and survived the hard times brought on by wars. Pain and grief were not strangers to her. Now, it was our turn to be brave and remember her example of reaching past the present for a better tomorrow. She lingered with us until November 26, 2001 when at 2:00 pm she winged her way to another plane leaving us with only our memories.

Again our routine was interrupted. Like so many other families in America, we had to face our Christmas 2001 with one of the most important members missing. Yet, we were lucky. We had been able to reap the benefit of her life's full cycle. So many were grieving their tragic loss without benefit of memories of a life fulfilled. We thought of them and prayed for their peace as we prayed for peace for the world. 

Will true peace ever come again? Will we ever reconcile our own personal losses? What of the many losses our nation has suffered? The loss of safe haven being one of the greatest. Months have passed and we are faced with the anniversary of this great tragedy. Time has softened some of the grief but will time ever give us back our casual acceptance of what America has always stood for? 

Maybe not. Maybe we won't ever be casual about what America stands for again! I hope not! We have brave leaders in place at the head of our government who have effectively taken preventative measures to insure our liberty. We are no longer complacent about ourselves or world peace. Those who died for us, albeit one of this nations greatest tragedies, did not die in vain.  We remember, we honor and we are a grateful nation. 

May we all remember the sacrifice and tragedy of September 11, 2001. In doing so let each of us make a personal resolve that it shall motivate us going forward to be the best American we can possibly be. Let all things we do be done for good so they will shine as a lasting tribute to those no longer with us and hopefully we may never hear the media disrupt our lives again with,

"We interrupt this program... ..."


Thank you MJ for the beautiful pledge!

Long may she wave!


The midi playing is "An American Trilogy"