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Fibromyalgia Syndrome - FMS

So, you were wondering about Fibromyalgia Syndrome, were you? Well, I think I can share a bit of enlightenment with you, as I speak from personal experience. 

I am, under no circumstances, a medical professional. Remember this as you read. Consider this as my absolute disclaimer to any and all medical  recommendations. What I am, is an amateur writer who happens to have FMS. I want to share some links with you that will hopefully inform and maybe even amuse. Perhaps then you won't feel like you are so alone with some of the symptoms you have. 

First and foremost, swallow that lump in your throat and don't allow panic or fear to become a part of your life if you are new to this malady. FMS is not terminal. FMS is not even recognized by the American Medical Association as being anything more than a "syndrome". It is not considered a disease. However, like many other illnesses, it is chronic and there is no cure

Fibromyalgia (fye-bro-my-AL-gee-ah) is a common form of generalized muscular pain and fatigue. The name "fibromyalgia" means pain in the muscles and fibrous connective tissues (ligaments and tendons). This condition is referred to as a "syndrome" because it's a set of signs and symptoms that occur together.

Fibromyalgia is especially confusing and often misunderstood because symptoms are common in other conditions. It is a form of soft-tissue or muscular rheumatism rather than arthritis of a joint.

My only advise to you is this. If you suspect that you have FMS, seek medical intervention. There are medications and therapies that can help make it better.  If you know someone who has it, please be kind by trying to understand them. 

An Open Letter to those who DO NOT have FMS

Are You Presumed LAZY!?!


18 Points to Consider

DAMN YOU Fibromyalgia!

"Mustard Seed" and other herbs?

Celebrating Holidays With FMS


Links that may provide more specific answers are provided here. However, be warned! If you type the word "fibromyalgia" into any search engine what you're going to get as a "result" is going to be a myriad of  links to people trying to sell you a CURE that ranges from a new mattress to a super magnet to be worn. I'm not even going to address some of the more ridiculous revelations and claims to fame. Proceed with your own common sense and caution.

The American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association 

FMS Files (Scads of links!)

Fibromyalgia Network

Arthritis Foundation

Cooperate and Communicate for a Cure

American College of Rheumatology

Friends With Fibro

Fibromyalgia Resource Center

Advocates for Fibromyalgia Funding, Treatment, Education and Research

This should keep us busy for awhile. As I find more, I'll be adding them. 

Welcome SSS
"April Showers Bring May Flowers"