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The Battery Promenade 

The Battery of Charleston, SC

For ages it's stood the test of time
This historical place of old
Nothing more than a water line
But cherished like pure gold

Pirates pillaging was spurned
By gallows built with axes
The Revolution then had a turn
Against King George and taxes

Then came the Yankees
With all their fury and force
Trying to bring it to its knees
Lincoln's unfortunate choice

Earthquakes have made it tremble
Storms have washed it clean
But the fury of elements nor man
Have kept it from returning serene

Today the Battery rests in peace
As admirers caress its rails
Leaning over the waters edge
Recounting its many majestic tales

Rose Abrams
December 15, 1998

White Point Gardens Gazebo/Bandstand

White Point Gardens rests behind the Battery where memorials to people and events of the past repose in deserved glory. Wander through the peace and feed the birds as you discover who we of the South are.