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Good Morning!

There was a time in our history when one would awaken each morning to the smell of freshly made biscuits baking in the oven and some variety of cured pork sizzling in a pan. Country ham or sugar cured bacon from the smoke house was the norm instead of the exception. Grits bubbled on the back of the stove and eggs fresh from our own hens were cooked to "order". The table was laden with fresh home-made butter and jams or jellies preserved from fruits grown on the farm. Everyone hurried to the breakfast table when they heard the call. "Breakfast is ready. Y'all come on!" That was then...

Family breakfast routines have changed drastically in our homes today. In many situations both parents work outside the home and often at odd hours. Getting everyone to the table at the same time for almost any meal is a rare occurance. Breakfast is a "catch as catch can" from a box or fast food drive-thru. I am not questioning what works for you but instead I'm offering you a few recipes that have worked for my family on those special occasions when breakfast or brunch can be shared.

Now, don't cringe at the thought of a major production. Most of these recipes can be made the night before and kept in the refrigerator. This way you can just pop it in the oven and while breakfast bakes you can enjoy your "company". In our home, holiday dinners are an evening meal and brunch is the order of the day. Often one or more of the following is served.

Overnight Eggnog French Toast

Southern Grits and Sausage Casserole

Heavenly Brunch Casserole

Shrimp Quiche

Easy Bacon Brunch

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