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Charleston, South Carolina has always held a fascination for me that defies rational explanation. There is no other place like it. When I cross over the Cooper River Bridges (weather permiting) the windows of the car go down while the fragrant breezes lift all my cares. A peace is found in the Holy City that seems to restore me.

My husband first introduced me to his former residence over 30 years ago and since, we have made a trek there from our North Carolina home as often as our other responsibilities would allow. Our family enjoys the historical preservations we find there. The weather is wonderful (except in August) and the food is beyond compare. The people are genuine and graciously share their wealth of history with all. We have made many friendships that are treasures.

As I am a writer and poet (of sorts) I want to share with you those parts of Charleston that have been of special intrigue. I hope you find your visit to be one of pure pleasure.

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I'd love to hear from you. Just drop a line in my

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Many thanks to MaCo Graphis for these beautiful graphics
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