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Enter the Gates of Charleston

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Enter the gates in wonderment
Expect a tremendous surprise
Learn how history was truly spent
Watch it unfold before your eyes

The first thing you will observe
Is the fragrance of the air
As it permeates every nerve
You realize why you are there

Enter the gates of antiquity
Preserved by caring hands
Giving up it's past with generosity
Thus, the Holy City still stands

Standing through flood, earthquake and wars
through storms the gates held fast
Left so we can enjoy the shores
Creating memories that will surely last

Enter the gates with expectation
Explore with an open mind
Reach for their wonders without hesitation
Treasure what they left behind

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Rosalene H. Abrams

I'd love to hear from you. Just drop a line in my
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Many thanks to MaCo Graphis for these beautiful graphics
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