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To A Southern Rose Garden


I'm delighted you decided to stop by. Come on in and make yourself at home. There's so much I want to share with you. My interests are varied from Southern History and Southern Food to writing about it. Although I'm not an expert on any of it, I have been told I have a unique perspective. 

I'm extremely proud to be an American; I am also Southern to my very core. I am of the fifteenth generation of seventeen who have made North Carolina their home. So, if per chance you are not in the mood to discover those things which make the American South so wonderful, you're going to miss a genuine treat but feel welcome to leave! 

Visit "About Me" to learn more.

I hope you choose to stay for it is my sincerest wish that you be delighted, informed and entertained. I make no effort to offend anyone but embrace all with true southern congeniality.


Please note: This is a family friendly site and contains no material not suited for audiences of any age. 

Click for Lumberton, North Carolina Forecast Click for Charleston, South Carolina Forecast

*Remember to support our troops as they serve our country and protect our freedoms!*


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I apologize for the POP-UPs but as I do not currently own my own domain; I appreciate Angelfire providing this free service for my expression.