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Sir Michael Fenigan was your name
It described you to a tee
Nine years of love was your claim to fame
As you gave it so generously to me

A ball of orange fluff, you were born
In a little box full of love
Wearing a tiny collar with a bell adorned
Presented to us like a gift from above

You grew and learned to tolerate our life
And we immediately adored you
Even when your scratches caused us strife
We knew you never meant to

Leaping into our arms from the floor
When we came home from work or play
With purr and nuzzle, you always gave more
Showing love in your own special way

Though years have passed since your demise
You're missed and remembered with a smile
As we recall the sound of your voice... the love in your eyes
Still longing for you to visit, if only for a little while

If kitty heaven is indeed a fact
Surely, without a doubt you are there
Enjoying the position of "King of All Cats"
Living life again without a care

Rosalene H. Abrams
October 1999

I would love to hear from you. Just use "Fenigan" in the subject line.

The graphics on this page have been on my hard drive "forever" and I have no clue where they came from. Should you recognize them and desire credit given, please let me know and I will be delighted to.