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Dedicated to the memory of my maternal grandmother
Frances Tyler Britt

Born: January 9, 1910
Departed: March 10, 2002


Clearing New Ground

A woman walked among us
Barefoot by choice when weather permitted
Across rugged farmland in Robeson County
Which she helped to clear into New Ground
Teaching her family the value of honest hard work.

 A woman walked among us
Working from the dark of morning until the dark of night
Caring for her beloved husband
Loving and guiding their many children
With little or no time for frivolity
Babies came regularly sometimes two at the time
Crops were planted, tended and gathered
A home was kept with doors swung wide
An invitation to anyone seeking comfort
Within the walls of a home already crowded with love

A woman walked among us
Sharing joy and bearing hardships
With the same strong ability and dedication
A legacy of forbearance she leaves to all of us
Never looking back at yesterdays
Filled with the tangles of briars and knotty pine
Instead staying her course of today
A day cleared by the sweat of her brow
And knowledge gleaned from years of experience

A woman walked among us
She was called daughter, known as a child of God
She was called wife and trusted companion
We called her Mama, Grandma and Aunt
She taught us, she cared for us and she loved us
Each one as unique to her as she was to us

A woman walked among us
Constantly clearing New ground for each of us
Always sharing her hope for a better tomorrow
With each "Sis" or "Son" that happened her way
This woman known to all of us as
Frances Tyler Britt
Has gone on to continue her untiring work
As she clears the way for our great family reunion
Where we all can be joined together and share joy everlasting
In that heavenly New Ground with God.

Rose Abrams


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Thank you -di

