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G. R. I. T. S.
(Girls Raised In The South)

Girls raised in the South
Are a true Southern delight
Who understand just how to serve grits
Whether by day or by night

Grits are presumed a breakfast food
A Southern staple to be exact
But our northern neighbors have no concept
Of how their menus lack

Instead they prefer cream of wheat
Smooth creamy and piping hot
Flavored with every imagionable sweet
But, honey... grits they are not!

Now we "girls raised in the South"
Have many claims to fame
Lacking none of the social graces
And taught that "Miss" is our first name

To dine from our groaning board
Is considered a culinary delight
For nothing is ever served
That is not prepared just right

There's grits for dinner with quail or shrimp
For breakfast with bacon and eggs
Do that with cream of wheat?
You must be pulling my let!

Rosalene H . Abrams
October 8, 1999

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