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I, am many people
I, am who you allow me to be to you
I, am your wife
I, am your mother
I am a lover of words, a doer of deeds
I, am your confidant and I am your friend
I, am many people

I see you as you really are
Your eyes mirror your soul
You show me more than you tell me
I see you because I am many people

I am a child ...
I give you love and trust unconditionally
I am a woman ...
Embracing that love passionately
I am many people
I see you
Can you see me?

I am a writer...
I see your story
Should I tell it?
I am a lyricist ...
Shall I sing your song?

I have eyes to see
Ears to hear
And a heart that feels
With a soul that records
Shall I play it back for you?

Are you strong enough to see yourself
The way we perceive you to be?

I am many people
My heart sees you
Accepting you just as you are
I choose not to tell you all that I see
For you are not strong enough yet

I am many people
You are many people too
Imagine the magnificence of it
If all that you are and all that I am
Met on that honest unbiased plane of truth

I am many people
We see you
We see the reality
We see the beauty
Can you see us?
Dare we ever allow all of them to meet?

I am many people
Will you trust us as we are,
Dare you trust the truth of who you are
Take our hand
Walk with us
Peace everlasting...

Rosalene H. Abrams
July 5, 1999

I would love to hear from you. Please drop me a line in my








©Danny Hahlbohm, used with permission
Painting entitled Sea Of Love