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A Woman Walked Among Us

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A woman walked among us
A wife, a mother, an educator
Expressing her love of words, of music, of equations
But more importantly, of us.

A woman walked among us
Tall, proud, with a bold smile
A knowing twinkle in her eyes
And love of education in her heart

In school she led each of us
All in a straight line
Leading our minds, leading us to chapel,
Leading us to our future

A woman walked among us
In our farming community
Planting knowledge as her seeds,
Which grew giving good harvest for generations

We remember that special point of her finger
The sound of her assured footsteps
The deep voice always laced with affection
A chuckle from the depths of her heart

She loved each of us
And gave her all for us
Whether our pockets were rich or poor
She saw to it that we were all rich in knowledge

Teaching from the pews of Long Branch Church
Before Long Branch School was a reality
A school that now ranks number One
An excellent reflection of her life's work

We smile as we remember her
Our legacy, our treasure
"Miss Maude" Britt Baldwin

Rosalene Humphrey Abrams

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