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 The Mousie and the Rose

 They shared no youth as sisters
Their lives were spent far apart
One could not say, “I miss her”
Unknown to each other from the start

 The Mousie loved her other sisters
While the Rose alone did play
Never knowing what each was missing
Until one fated Sabbath day

 From way across the petting zoo 
Too far to clearly see
The Rose could not help but wonder who
Was peering at her through the trees

 Her grandmother told her father
Who in turn told the Rose so true
That the Mousie’s family was none other
Than her own whom she never knew

 How shy they were that first meeting day
With neither speaking to the other
The Mousie’s eyes held the Rose at bay
While steadfastly clinging to their mother

 A parent had guided them both
But each in different directions
Kept apart as if by secret oath
Sisters crossed paths without detection

 As adults the truth came pouring out
There was no shame in knowing
Nothing was left to wonder about
Sisters were finally growing

Want to hear how their little tale goes?
Just ask the Mousie and the Rose!



