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"I Love You, Mother!"

"I love you Mother," said Little John
Then forgetting his work, his cap went on
And he was off to the garden swing
Leaving his mother the wood to bring
"I love you Mother," said Rosy Nell
"I love you better than tongue can tell."
Then she teased and pouted full half the day
Until her mother rejoiced when she went to play

"I love you Mother," said Little Anne
Today, I will help you all I can
How glad I am that school doesn't keep
Then she rocked the baby until it fell asleep

Stepping softly, she took the broom
And swept the floor and dusted the room
Busy and happy all day was she
Helpful and cheerful as a child could be
"I love you Mother," again they said
Three little children going to bed
Now, how do you think that Mother guessed
Which of them really loved her best?


This narrative was given as a recitation during assembly by me during my first year in school. Should anyone know of it's origin or the author, please notify me so that proper credit may be given.

This webpage is dedicated with the fondest of rememberances to

Ms. Rosa Lee Cooper

an elementary school teacher who planted a seed for wanting to learn that continues to grow 45 years later. Thank you Ms. Cooper!

Rosalene Humphrey Abrams

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