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In Loving Memory
Vernell  "Nell"  Davis
   November 7, 1933  ~  September 15, 2003 

September 14, 2003 is a day that will never be forgotten by those of us who were privileged to share  Nell's last day on earth with her. It was a dreaded day because we all knew this was probably the last time we would see her this side of heaven. But, we were all together, sharing the love and strength that only a family, can as we quietly consoled one another by her bedside.

Family was always the most important thing in her life, falling second only to her love of God.  She taught each one of us this love and the love for one another by her own example.  She faced life's joys and trials with dignity and grace and she expected no less from us. 

In the early morning hours of September 15, 2003 the Lord called her to be with Him.  Her pain was over and she was at peace. We wept for ourselves but rejoiced that she would meet her precious Lord and be reunited with so many of her dear family and friends who had gone on before her. 

As long as we are here on this earth there will always be a void that will never be filled again.  When one looses a mother, sister, cousin or friend such as she; the greatest honor we can ever give her is to remember all she taught us and let her light so shine through us that others will know of her rich legacy to us. 

A Child's Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the years you gave us our mother, for the love she always gave us and others. 

Thank you for the strengths and values she and our father taught us, for the work ethics and positive attitudes they instilled in us and the love we shared one for another. 

Thank you Father for being merciful to her in her time of need and for all the people that gave of their time and talents to make her time on Earth as peaceful as possible. 

Heavenly Father, we ask that you help us to keep her love, her gentle smile and her soft laughter in our heart and on our minds.  Lord, let us keep them with us always until we are reunited together in heaven!

~Your Child~


Performed by 
Margi Harrell
Please feel free to visit her wonderful site right HERE.
This midi along with more wonderful compositions and/or performances are available at Ms. Harrell's site on CDs. If you wish to use her music on your personal web site you must contact Ms. Harrell.