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Simply Southern


Simply Southern Sisters are a great bunch of gals
We're Internet friends; we're Internet pals
Sending email messages we share who we are
Getting to know our sisters both near and far

We're ladies of the south by choice or by birth
Accepting one another regardless of girth
All can be delicate, warm and genteel
But also strong, full of mystery and appeal

Sometimes we brag and share our delight
About life events that went just right
Then again we may moan, groan and complain
If someone's hurt or we've had too much rain.

Whatever the need we're all right there
Expressing southern love; giving southern care
First as Southern Women we each got our start
As Simply Southern Sisters we express with our heart

Rose Abrams
January 2002

If you are a Southern Woman, you can become a member of either of these groups by simply clicking on the links below and following the instructions,


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Petals of a Southern Rose.
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