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I am proud to be included in some very special groups of people. It has been a genuine pleasure getting to know these ladies. Peruse their sites and make some friends that you will treasure. I will make no recommendations where for you to start for that would not be fair to them. They are all wonderful.

If you came here through a Webring and would like to visit my site please click 

This Southern Women Webring site
owned by Rose Abrams

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You will find some special friends below too.

I'm sure this page will grow as I become more involved in different areas of interest. Do check back often to see what I have discovered to share with you.


This RingSurf SimplySouthernSisters Net Ring
owned by
Petals of a Southern Rose.
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This Steel Magnolias Webring
site owned by
Petals of a Southern Rose.
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Sons and Daughters of the South

This Sons and Daughters of the South
site is owned by
Rose Abrams
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The Southern upbringing and heritage
is like no other and it stays with you
throughout your life.

I'd be delighted to hear from you. If you have questions about any of these groups or just want to get to know a southern lady drop a line in my email.