Some of me with "family"

This is one of my cousins, and her son.
I am about a month older than him.

This is me, my mom, one of her sisters, and her son.
Mom is holding her son, and my aunt is holding me.

This is one of my uncles.
(See, I was capable of that "serious" look even then.)

This is me with my mom's youngest sister.
She was one of my favorites. I loved her a lot.

This is at my house in the yard.
This was my dad's favorite chair to sit in when he was outside. :)
And it is still there, the people who bought the house kept it.

This is a proof from 9X14 that I salvaged in its frame.
My mom destroyed all the other pics of me once
 when she had gotten angry with me over something or the other.
These ones scanned here are all that is left.

And that little girl, grew to this BIG girl.
Your girl. 
And thinking of you, like the pic says.

I love you.

(((( KISS ))))