
Nobody will ever read this site, so i guess not a second of this matters. Having said that, i guess before i push my opinions and other stuff pertaining to my preferences on you, i should provide you with a small description of she who is me. My name is Shannara, and i am a bitter, bitter soul. i need to find a hobby. Anyway, i hate pictures, but i figure i'll post some anyway on the misc. page. Well, go check out the stuff i say you should below. i have MSN messenger. So talk to me.

NEWS, or more commonly called, So Fuckin' What?
I AM NOW OUT OF THE FIFTH LEVEL OF HELL AND IT'S ABOUT GODDAMN TIME. i just transferred from ENMU in P-Ville to UNM, in Albuquerque! Oh, the glorious transition between dante's different tiers of the underworld....*contented sigh* I'm studying psychology, linguistics, and sign language in hopes that one day i will be a speech pathologist. As if you care.

i am a dork. i also sell absolutions for very reasonable prices. Hey, it worked for Chaucer's Pardoner, and i need money to buy milk and cd's and oreos.

Tina the Troubled Teen

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