Who Am I? Who Cares?

I HAVE COME TO BELIEVE THAT NOTHING EVER CHANGES, IT ONLY SHIFTS FORMS OR DISTORTS FACES. I hate people who drive slow. I lose my mind more every day and I never had one to begin with. I have a sad, sad tendency to ramble on about things that make me upset, so lucky you gets to either a) continue reading or b) click here now. I like music. I could sit in the dark by myself on the internet listening to music until I died and I would be happier than that guy over there crying. I like black. Red is good, too. Math makes me cry tears of bittersweet contempt. 2+2=IHATESTUFFTHATMAKESMEFEELLIKEAFREAKINGIDIOT (which is a hell of lot of things, by the way). one day, we all will cast off the burdens and parasitic associations with Corporate America. Since when did the individual lose his or her ability to think for themselves? Oh yeah, when they succumbed to tyranny in the workplace, in the White House, and in the churches. Let's see, what else is going with me? Not much. Oh. I HAVE STARVING COLLEGE STUDENT RAGE. Good fun. OK, well, I'm fucking lame. My lungs are sad. Wind can EAT A DICK. So can uncertanity. So can ALL my damn immature tendencies. *sighs*