Miscelleneous Writings I Can't Categorize

drunken telephone man
sleeps with Valium
answers himself with a question mark
walks down to Fifth and Catatonia
swims for an hour
then walks back home
to his blind house filled with flies
his toast is stolen
but he east it anyway
salts and peppers his tea
while listening to birds and his disease
outside his small pentagonal window
tinted red
his fingernails are long
and he forgot to feed his cat
monopoly money covers his floor
but all his bills are paid
Entangled in the garden,
emerald vines become my veins
and your clear grace flows through them.

let me caress your beautiful face
with wet blood on my hands
let me paint pictures
of how i need you on your hands
then let me hold them in mine
so you can't see what i've done

City streets drowned
i am suspended above
in an æthereal void
grey sky
"half day closing"

i would dance with you
if you wanted
and i would never speak again
if you wanted
and i would stop my heart
if you so wanted

She is a fire that you know you want inside
a passion that is dying to be fed
only able to be filled
with something i long to have, but do not.
i want to be everything to you
i want to have what she holds for you
but i am simply the dry grass and wood

The day we started to rise was the day i realised that i could stand alone but knew i didn't want to.

In the beginning, the Holy Trinity
declared that it is a crime
1. to want revenge
2. to mock the willow
3. to memorize/regurgitate
Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet (i can eat glass, it does not hurt me)
Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet
Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet
Herba trifola, fac ut sit sola (Trefoil plant, let it be by itself)
and when we die, we die thrice over
1. body
2. mind
3. soul
Peter, three times you denied my name
Klothos, Atropos, Lachesis
be kind, have mercy, show compassion
and in order to drown you must go down once then twice more
because the third time's a charm.
dress up the virgin in thick black sin
clothe the whore in pristine white and make her clean again