Semantic Manipulation By Rick


As far as the world leaving me alone
My opinion truly doesn’t matter to anyone but me
So I sit inside me and feel the pains that I bring on myself
I don’t blame just me, I see you every night and you don’t do a thing to help.
‘just have another’ and tell me I’m going nuts
it’s because of this attitude I act the way I do, so I thank you.
At the very least I can’t blame my life giver for that, but you aid my life taker and ask why I am angered
My life is slipping one glass at a time, and no one notices but me.

As I sit another night and watch it slip through my grasp
I see your smile and never care
So how am I to think?
Clouded at best by the glass in my hand, and as it goes
Apathy takes over, and I become me even more
Defined by the shot that isn’t taken in the inner city but in my own home
I become the joke that I don’t get,
And then I wonder why

I don’t place blame on the way things are
I don’t place blame on the things that I won’t change
Yet every night I wonder why I am me.

Rick travesty, 02


Another untitled

Brandon had a point, you only think about yourself
Mexico is nice this time of year
No amount of ointment will make the rash that’s felt inside cease
Trains move so slowly anyway
Better to take the mind trip of being blown away
It’s the distance between here and friends that seems so far.
A distance that can’t be driven and a path that won’t be taken
Those aren’t tears, just smoke in my eyes.
I feel a fatigue that only a ship at the bottom of the ocean can know
It’s the wrong place and the wrong time, a forever maybe 17 that I miss and want
No worries and no retributions
History is something I learn and never experience.
I guess the ‘good guy’ doesn’t always get the girl or any glory
Well, I suppose life isn’t Hollywood

Rick travesty



I have put up walls
Protecting what I am
Isolating the inherent flaws, nothing gets in
Nothing gets out.
I turned my city into a fortress
The moat is just a front.
One I placed when outsiders wanted emotional free trade
But now, sadly, the natives are getting restless,
And they want out, rebel against me
I tried declaring martial law,
Nothing came from it
Now from the inside my walls are cracking, collapsing
All that’s left is rubble, a naked shell,
Emptied of all inside
A ghost town.


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