Advanced Technical Writing--English 405 |
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This page will lead you to my projects, both completed and in progress, for English 405 (a.k.a. Advanced Technical Writing). If for some reason you feel the urge to communicate with me (personal and professional motivations are equally welcome), you can reach me most reliably at my UWEC email account. If you just want to know what the heck English 405 or Advanced Technical writing are, please feel free to drop by the handy site set up by Dennis Jerz, the mastermind and taskmaster behind this whole idea. (Oh yeah, he's the professor too...) I do feel the need to warn you that the site is set up primarily for students enrolled in this course and so if you are a random visitor, please bear this in mind. Without further ado, your link -- UWEC English 405: Official Page
Evidence-based Medicine: Defining Evidence: An academic paper exploring the rhetorical and social means of defining "evidence" in medical discourse, particularly among evidence-based medicine advocates, and the implications of these definitions.
Sokal Search: Annotated List of Links
Audience Writing Handout Initiation Experience: a reaction to the stories of technical writers in the field as portrayed and collected by Gerald L. Savage and Dale L. Sullivan Samurai Review: a reaction to the later stories in the Savage and Sullivan text, specifically focusing on the "Samurai Review."
Last Updated December 15, 2001