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The Battle Part 2

The Story:
"Having persued the Dolman Starfleet back to their base in the Elron system,the mighty Pregorian Starfleet has commenced to dispense swift and cruel reprisal for the Dolman's incursion into their terrirory...."

Click <HERE> to view the movie

In the first movie the Dolman had crossed into Pregorian territory to refuel at the local Gas giant. This movie starts off with the Pregorian fleet paying them back with a visit of their own. Can the outmatched Dolman ships stand against the might of the empire.

This movie can be viewed <HERE>
Movie requires the DivX Codec 3.11alpha.
If you do not have this codec I have provided a link below where you can get it.
You must install the codec before you can view this movie.

I have provided these links for you, below to get and install the DivX codec:

FOR WINDOWS 95/98, NT OR 2000:
(Windows) DivX Codec 3.11alpha - - - - <DOWNLOAD>

(Macintosh) Player: 1.0b8 - - - - <DOWNLOAD>
The DivX ;-) codec for the Macintosh platform is in the form of an application that can
decode DivX ;-) movies.

Mac Users: You will need to install Windows Media Player v. 6.3,
and the DivX Player for Macintosh.
The DivX Player requires Microsoft Media Player 6.3

How to Install Divx:

This tutorial is written using the 3.11 alpha version for windows - other versions may vary.
For the most recent info and versions please visit the DivX homepage.

Install DivX by double clicking the DivX_311alpha.exe.

At the dialog "This setup is not licenced ..." click "OK".

At the "Information" dialog click "Next".

At "Choose destination" dialog click "Next" (if you want you can change the installation location here by either typing the path or by using the "Browse" button).

Now the DivX-Start-menu folder might be in front of your setup, simple minimize (!) it.


e "Finished" dialog appears, select "OK".
Now maximize the Start-menu folder again (or go to the Start-menu and look for Divx in the programs group) and start "Run Me First !!". Answer "OK" on the "do you want to install DivX" question.