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These are the awards you can get if your site is not too bad-looking and not completely uninteresting!
There are just a few criteria to respect, so be sure your site satisfies them before applying:

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1) Sites  which promote illegal activities, any sort of violence, sexual, racial, sexist, child and animal exploitation or defamatory remarks regarding race or religion, will be disqualified.

2)Check for broken links and images that don't work: I don't like to be disappointed!

3) Your site should not be too heavy on animations, flash and java. Too often these sites tend to crash my browser, and I DO have the latest version of both Intenet Explorer and Netscape..

4) Try not to cram your whole site into just one neverending page. This will most likely get you disqualified. Every page must be well organized, and be  consistent  throughout the site. Your choice of colors and fonts should make your site easy to read.

5)If you borrow material, give credit to the original author. No Linking to graphics in other websites.

6) If you have designed your site yourself, then you have a bigger chance to get an award.

7) I realize how tempting it is to try a different background for every page (sometimes, there are so many beautiful ones available that it's just hard to choose) but try to avoid transforming your site into a "sample book" of various patterns and graphics. It's very distracting and unprofessional.

8) Sites with nothing more than lists of links need not apply..

9) Even if your site has received hundreds of awards, it doesn't mean that you will get mine. I have to like your site and my decision is final unless major changes are made between two applications. If you haven't heard from me within 10 days, then you probably have not been successful.

10)Signing my guestbook is NOT an obligation, but I'd like to know who visits  me..;o)

The fact that you apply for one particular award doesn't necessarily mean that that's the award you are going to win..I may choose another award that I find more appropriate for your website.

To apply, you can fill the form below, or if that doesn't work for you, send me an e-mail and indicate your URL, the name of your place, your name and give me a short description of what your site is all about, or you can use the form below. I'll look at your site asap and e-mail you back..hopefully with the award attached.;)
So..Good luck!

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Award 1

For a site that makes a lasting impression..
The design as well as the content should be

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Award 2

You have an entertaining site that showcases your sense of humor? This award is given only to the deadly serious.

Les sites marrants en français sont les bienvenus!!!

It's all love!!!!

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Award 3

For a site aesthetically pleasing, (great graphics, photos, artwork) .

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Eagle Award  (cannot be applied for)

For a site that definitely has something that makes me want to come back to it. My personal choice.

Visit my winners page

Apply for my award
Please take the time to answer a few questions!


Are you the Webmaster:
Name of your site:
URL of your site:
What is it about?

What part of my site do you like best?
Which award would you like?
  • Fantastic Site Award
  • Humor Award
  • Beautiful Site Award

When you are finished, please click here!

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copyright 2001,2002   SkyhawkFireHeart