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January 1, 2008

New Year musings

My health is as good as can be expected at this date and my rage for life is turning into ironic dreams;
 I'm not always sure what brought me through this struggle for my life, if it is mine to decide.
Right? Whatever has brought me this far, a milestone has been crossed for another year
gone by -
Good-bye...2007 -- kma!

How many paintings/artworks can fit in a thimble? Work, work, work.
Will I ever master French, Spanish, German, Blackfeet, Umatilla or Rap music? Russian?
Or losing weight: do I buy another pair of sweats or pray I fit into my old Levi's?
Will this be the year I visit Dali's homeland? When will I see an ocean sunset?
Is it time to say good-bye to Wallowa and the beautiful bald eagle I've once seen
gliding across the Wallowa Mountains backdrop?

The most amazing sunsets I've ever seen were in the Carib Islands of the Dominican
Republic and Haiti - two adjoining countries caught in turmoil and poverty.
The stars still fill my mind's eyes with Montana skies. Here is also where the eagles soar.
A region where the Creator's magic can be witnessed. Big Sky country indeed.

Looking back is so hard to do when all you see is pain. The problem of pain is a heartbreaking physical
tour of your mind and spirit. Easily shut on but turning off is like
falling to earth in a clown suit
and with a tiny umbrella with a safety net full of holes and rips, realizing there is no off

Ouch. Live with the pain of suffering. Find a way to beat your worst adversary no matter what it takes.
Survive, baby, survive.

Some days the pain of living reminds me to keep on fighting and never quit. The human spirit
is amazing in helping us fight with our last breath. Courage in the face of fear is our ability to laugh
at it like some insane fool when there is no choice.

Is.40:31 ...they that wait for Jehovvah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

These words
are for the weak and strong.These words were with us before there
was a written language. For we were all once tribal peoples , living and
surviving in a world filled with wonder and respect for nature.

Well, I'm not so sure about mosquitoes. I believe these were pests hitching a ride on some UFO. These
were the original aliens before the modern franchised movie mega hits.

2008! It's an election year and the problem of pain has affected the world. Let's all survive the madness.
Get out and vote. We will get through the best and the worst of times.

An artist for peace, SkyHawk


Transporter Pad

copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 - 2008  SkyHawkFireHeart