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sculptmenu.gif (2733 octets)

Click on the pictures to see a bigger version

sculp3.jpg (17959 octets)

"False face log with tin wings"

sculp4.jpg (14641 octets)



sculp2.jpg (21794 octets)

"Snake and eagle fetish 1"


sculp1.jpg (15393 octets)

"Snake and eagle fetish 2"

amazonia.jpg (26950 octets)

"Amazonian inspired mask"

headache.jpg (24024 octets)

"Not tonight honey, I have a headache"

skullclaw.jpg (24900 octets) 

eaglefetish.jpg (31192 octets)

"Eagle fetish 8"

$ 5.500

Transporter Pad



copyright 2001,2002   SkyhawkFireHeart