Slight Of Pen
Untitled 1
The bullshit halls surround the stalls
A prison, a cell, a hindering
Just stop thought, it won’t work here
Thieved clones are all the same
We see no rape of the education
All for one, but none for none
We don’t realize
So it is forgotten, and now I program
It eventually ends, but it doesn’t
Cause we live here
Untitled 2
The plastic smile I wear today
Invent a mood I feel no way
Just push me off to sail away
Alone I’ll sail into the rift
A sea of hypocrites at the lips
Talk before the mind has spoken
Break down, feel good misery pain of else
This is our filling
This is our cream
Although we don’t live
A sitcom fixes us
So the day ends but why
Is there a reason to stop or go
Why go, it will never change
The eyes are shut, the mouth is open
The silence is the loudest waste we hear, all around us
It just floats into the trash can head
The ashtray of burned life that we have become