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My Art

About Katz

Depictions of Katie

Contact Info

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Frequently Asked Questions About My "Daria" Art

"Katz, how do you color your drawings?"

        I use Adobe Photoshop to color in pencil drawings.  

"Katz, how old are you?"

 i was born december 9, 1981... figure it out 

"Katz, how come some of your cartoons don't have noses?"

    Because they don't... it's a style thing... it's not like I forget to draw them :) and don't get me started on the "katz, why the hell do your drawings only have 4 fingers?" question... yeesh!

"Katz, your characters look nothing like the show... why don't you just give up?"

    to all the people who have written me this... no one  said you had to LOOK at the art... don't spoil my good mood.

"Katz, i love your style! what are the influences?"

    I love anime and Disney styles... so it was just natural for me to sorta' combine them... my drawings are very anime in their proportions and attitude yet very american in their facial features, hands, and clothing.

questions? comments? e-mail