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Spirit Mountain Essences

Flower and Gemstone Essences


PO Box 1700, Eureka, MT 59917

voice 406-889-3273, fax 253-550-7454



To introduce you to Spirit Mountain Essences, I would like to share with you some highlights from a few formulas that are being used successfully at this time.


Cold and Flu Formula:  For detoxification of the physical body and the emotional body.  Strengthens immune system.   Helps with infections.  Gives strength and resistance to outside influences and restores a feeling of wholeness.  Helps to relax the body and mind.  Helps to keep one’s vision positive and on good health, giving one a feeling of wholeness.  Enhances power of self-healing and the confidence in one’s self.  Master healer.  Chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies are strengthened and aligned.  (Garlic, Echinacea, Lavender, Self-heal, Crab Apple, and Holly Grape.)


Integrating Changes Formula: This formula was inspired to help one to release old patterns.  Helpful in making healthy transitions in life and in making metamorphic change.  Works well with many forms of therapy, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and other alternative therapies.  When working on some serious changes, it is helpful to take this formulation daily for a while.  It is also very helpful in adjusting to the new vibrations that we are entering into.  Helps repair soul damage from this life or past lives and is a powerful tonic for the nervous system.  Helps one let go of anger and negative emotions.  Helps with low vitality and brings creative forces into physical expression.  Helps one take inner responsibility for one’s healing and creates a healthy, vital sense of Self.  Stimulates the love forces of the heart so that the soul finds enthusiasm for earthly life, worldly tasks, and human relationships.  Nurtures acceptance, forgiveness, and taking responsibility for one’s life situation.  Very effective in helping to release victim mentality.  (Comfrey, Dandelion, Indian Paintbrush, Self-heal, Walnut, Wild Rose, and Willow.)


Joy Juice Formula: This formula is very good for depression and it helps one to work effectively with feelings and emotions.  Brings hope.  Helps integrate emotional energy and healing without dramas.  Frees creative potential, heals the throat (communication) chakra.  Releases crystallized emotional patterns.  Impels the soul from a self-limiting to a self-transcending mode of being.  Helps with low vitality and exhaustion and the inability to bring creative forces into physical expression.  Helps one realize that life is a precious opportunity, and to make efforts to find the meaning of love and physical incarnation.  Helps one to be hopeful.  (Petrified Larch, Indian Paintbrush, Wild Rose, Sunflower, and Lepidolite)


Worry Free Formula:  This formula is great for those that tend to get caught up in worry and the resulting anxiety.  Helps the soul to embrace the warm loving presence of the Divine Mother.  Creates mental calmness.  Gives increased clarity and patience, and helps when one is irrational.  Gives one a better view of holistic consciousness.  Repairs soul damage that occurred in this life or a past life.  Nurtures the will to live and also joy for life.  Enhances the ability to understand the purpose behind difficulties.  (Mariposa Lily, Red Clover, Wild Onion, Shasta Daisy, Comfrey, Wild Rose, and Garnet.)  


Keeping Up With Life Formula:  This formula is great to help people keep up with busy lives. Helps to establish emotional balance.  It is for those who are overwhelmed and burdened by their responsibilities.  It helps protects one from vulnerability to others and to a toxic environment.  Helps those who are driven to work too much.  Helps one to use positive verbal communication.  Aids healthy libido.  Gives positive outlook into the deeper

meaning of one’s work here on Earth.  Helps organizing ability and is very grounding. (Lavender, Elm, Yarrow, Dandelion, Snapdragon, Wild Rose, and Amber.)


Grief Formula:  Assists one in releasing tension stored in the subconscious mind and the nervous system.  Helps release feelings of grief and emotional pain that are stuck in the body.   Helps one in accepting tragic events in life so that one does not withdraw from life and numb out.  Gives help with deep soul pain and ability to deal with traumatic abuse that occurred in childhood, especially rejection and abandonment. Helps one to be in charge of themselves, to be calm and to act from their own truth.   Eases emotional stress associated with home, such as divorce and sibling rivalry.  Cuts through to the root cause and main issue of the problem.  This essence formula is very grounding. (Dandelion, Red Clover, Stinging Nettles, Evening Primrose, Comfrey, Wild Rose, and Flint.)


Fairy Dancer Formula:  Helps one to have insights into the spiritual world, realizing the higher meaning of phenomena.  Gives wisdom and acceptance into the higher meanings of life.  Synthesizes ideas into a unified whole.  Helps one to work with an open heart.  Increases telepathy, clairvoyance, and healing energies.  Helps in contacting other entities such as angels and devas, bringing spiritual energies into the earthly plane.  (Sage, Angelica, Daisy, Comfrey, Houndstongue, Wild Rose, and Moldovite.)



These essences are available in 1 oz dropper bottles from the above address.  Retail price is $10.00  (US), or $15.65 (CAN) per bottle.  See chart below for shipping costs.  Please make checks and money orders out to Spirit Mountain.  Spirit Mountain Essences are made from Montana wildflowers and flowers from my garden. We also carry the traditional Bach flower remedies.  Wholesale inquiries are welcome.  Many holistic health practitioners are currently using these essences and finding them to be very helpful for themselves and their clients.


I use honey and brandy as a base as it gives essences a very long shelf life.  There is a very small amount of alcohol, yet for those who are sensitive to alcohol, essences can be made with a vinegar or glycerin base also.  These two have a shelf life of only one month and need to be kept refrigerated.   These essences do not replace the services of a qualified health practitioner or psychologist.  They are considered a dietary supplement.


Wishing you happiness and health,



Shipping costs to US and Canada:


Through  $20.00      $3.20                    All essences are shipped Priority Mail through the

$20.01 to $40.00     $4.30                    US  Post Office to addresses in the US.  Canadian orders are       

$40.01 to $60.00     $5.40                    sent by ground.  Orders are sent out the day after they are

$60.01 and up          free                     received.

                                                   Write or call for a complete list of our essences and programs.