Romancing the Stone | Geography and geology go hand in hand; there is no separating the two. The components - rocks and minerals - that comprise the physical makeup of geology, have a profound affect on the appearance of Earth's geographic features. In nature, no rock is an island.
Sequoia Communications, 1986 ISBN: 0-917859-07-3 $6.95, 49 pp
Death Valley National Monument: A Pictorial History was published while Congress considered granting the Monument National Park status. With the outcome up in the air, the Death Valley Natural History Association (which commissioned the book) wisely proceeded with the project on the assumption National Park status would not be approved. Eight years later, and with the grant of an additional 1.3 million acres, Death Valley was finally awarded National Park status. At 3,373,063 acres, it is the largest park in the contiguous United States.
Hidden Forces
On its surface, Death Valley is a hostile environment incapable of sustaining life. Yet, it is actually rich in biodiversity, sporting some of the oldest living trees on earth (bristlecone pine). With nearly a thousand plant species, Death Valley is hardly the barren, lifeless land described by early explorers. On the fauna side of things, the valley has 443 species of vertebrates, including three species of pupfish endemic to its boundaries. Birds include the raven, white-crowned sparrow (migratory), and my favorite of the southwest, the roadrunner.
Death Valley Days
Joel Arem enjoys the nitty gritty details of structure. In Rocks and Minerals he dives deep into the atomic anatomy of over 700 rock and mineral types for identification purposes. It seems the gem world - the world of professional mineral traders and serious rock hounds - rely on the atomic make-up of their specimens for conclusive identification. It's these atomic arrangements that give rocks and minerals their unique shapes, determined by how subatomic particles are relating to each other on a level naked to the human eye, and to most microscopes.
While Rocks and Minerals isn't strictly limited to the subatomic world of the various species included in its pages (yes, the different types of rocks and minerals are called species, as if they were living things, which in a sense they are, reactive to temperature and pressure that can change them from one form into another), the bulk of the book's focus is.
Although interesting to a point, if you haven't got a degree from MIT, it may be a struggle to stay focused.
Fortunately, when Arem isn't shoveling good - if tedious - information on us, he makes some interesting revelations. Water, for instance, by definition is a mineral. That is, it reacts to outside forces (such as temperature and pressure) just as minerals do. Heat and high pressure change its form into a gas (yes, Virgina, some gases are minerals); when exposed to temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the result is crystallization. Crystals are composed of repetitive patterns in their structure called motifs, just as snowflakes are, created by unique atomic alignments:
Rocks and Minerals contains an inordinate amount of facts for a book its size, and its readability suffers for it (break out the magnifying glass). While Arem provides more than enough good information for the layman to chew on, it's easy to get lost in the nitty gritty of his details. Fortunately, he's packed it with full-color photos as well - an average of four per fold - that will hold your interest when his words don't. Also includes: table of chemical elements; table of minerals; useful index.
posted 12/10/22