"He aint heavy, he's my brother..."

Ottawa PugNic re-union: brothers Tiberius and Otis
photo © 2002 Ottawa PugNic
Tiberius, left, and Otis, right: obviously related

We've seen it happen for others at previous events but never thought it would happen for us....
the discovery of a previously unknown littermate - or as we like to say a "brother" - at the Ottawa PugNic.

Otis is owned and loved by the Hancocks, Mark and Anne-Marie and their daughter, in Ottawa.
Too many co-incidences led to the discovery that both these guys came from the same place.

Ottawa PugNic, Sept. 29/02: brothers Otis and Tiberius
photo © 2002 Ottawa PugNic

Attentive brothers  Otis & Tiberius
Both photos © 2002 Mark Hancock

They look like twins to me.
Otis is now and hereafter an Honoured Guest at all Ottawa PugNics to come. ;-)

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