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Dante The Angel of the First Heaven Piccarda Donati
Beatrice Resolves Dante's Doubts In the Heaven of Mercury Church and Empire
Dante in Doubt The Ascent to Venus The Bishop cum Troubadour
The Song of the Wise Spirits The Dust of Souls The Apparition of Dante's Great-Great-Grandfather
Original Perfection The Cross of Mars Cacciaguida's History Lesson
The Two Circles of Spirits Cacciaguida Sees Dante's Exile in God Beatrice Comforts the Poet
In the Heaven of Jupiter The Constellation of Blessed Spirits The Celestial Staircase
Divine Impenetrability The Garden of Christ The Joy of the Blessed
The Apparition of St. James The Apotheosis of the Virgin Mary The Angels of the Empyrean
St. Peter and Dante Arrival at the Empyrean The Infinite Beauty of Beatrice
The Loyal Angels The Archangel Gabriel St. Bernard's Prayer to the Virgin