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Spiritual Eclipse

The artwork and writings of Melissa Jones

**LAST UPDATED: 10-23-2003**

My, what a difference a few weeks make! I had been meaning to upgrade this place for a while, since I've gotten some very expensive formal training on this sort of thing now.... Somehow, it just kept slipping my mind, and I never got around to it.

Well, today's the day (actually, it was sometime last week, but let's not argue semantics) that it all changes! Welcome to the new, spifftacular Spiritual Eclipse.

I split the art section up into five separate sections so that it might actually be easier to locate something. The writing sections are the same, but you no longer have to go through the annoying gateway-type page to get to them.

I've taken down some of my older art and some of my writings because...well...I didn't like them any more or I didn't have enough webspace for them. If there was something here that you would like to see, email me and I'll send you a copy of what you want. I have also added a number of new files, both art and writing, so go knock yourself out looking those over. Everything's nicely alphabetized now, as well. Just click on a thumbnail in the art areas or a link in the writing ones and have a ball.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the 400 some of you who have visited my site. It means a lot to me (even more so if you've signed my guestbook or emailed me your thoughts and opinions), so thank you very much for your patronage.

Here's to hoping everyone likes the new layout!


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Please feel free to drop me a note and tell me what you think.

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Computer Art / Dungeons & Dragons Character Art / Role Play Art / School Art / Miscellaneous Art
Stories \ Poetry