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The following images explain the "Glowing Effect" of Vampire Eyes

 The IRIS-GLOW of the Vampire-eye depends much on the "mood" of the creature, this means, in a relaxed situation (freshly fed, mentally calm etc.) the IRIS is folded like an umbrella (see image 1.)
When folded like this, the Light that falls into the eye is being absorbed
Thus the eye looks rather normal (of course to a mortal, vampire-eyes always seem to be piercing and strange-looking)
Now when a Vampire is starving for blood (hunger), or in a rage (anger) or else (lust  - anxiety - fear) it has an effect on the IRIS of its eyes.
The Vampire instinctively contracts the IRIS so that its surface becomes flat and shiny like a mirror (see next image)
Now the eye begins to glow: it reflects any bit of light that hits this surface
This gives our vampire-eye the glowing appearance.