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The Fangs of strong and/or old Vampires

This illustration shows the intimidating fangs of an either very strong or a very old Vampire. Sometimes it doesn´t depent on the strength of the creating Vampire how the fangs of his child are shaped. But in general these very sharp "razor-fangs" only belong to the ancient and strongest of the Kindred. In this version you see the dentals of a very old Vampire, the other teeth also become sharper and pointed during the centuries.

The young Vampire

The teeth of a fledgling Vampire, the seemingly roundish double-paired fangs are very effective in breaking its victims skin, and after several centuries they might get even longer and sharper. This Vampire is still able to walk among mortals getting away with his "vampire-like"teeth.

The Nosferatu or Rodent-Fangs

Here we have the Nosferatu-shaped version of fangs. Also known as "Rodent-fangs" because of the rat-like appearance of this kind of Vampire. Vampires made in this bloodline (an old easteuropean bloodline might be the origin) usually lose their human bonds quite fast, their looks and styles become very hideous and repulsive for mortals. They seldom choose to live among humans.

The Asian Demon Fangs

Very old asian bloodlines sometimes have the curved Demon-fangs, which look quite uncomfortable for the Attack or the Feeding, but the outer curve of each tooth is razorsharp, so their shape is just as efficient.

 The Sawtooth-Shape

There were generations of ancient Vampires that had this strange occurrence of fangs: the Sawtooth-shaped Bloodlines.
Located in northwestern Europe and northern Asia these Blooddrinkers roamed. Some individuals of this line have been seen lately in the western world. The sharpness of the fangs shown here lead to the conclusion that they belong to an old creature.

The "Lost Boy" Fledgling

This shape with the long double-pair of fangs with the shorter eye-teeth are often called the "Lost Boy"-shape today. This Vampire usually has a very agressive and lifely attitude, rebellish and light-headed. But also in the Vampire-realm do not forget: Don´t judge the book by it´s cover!

The Aged Rebel

Like a good wine the Vampire grows stronger and his fangs become sharper and more striking. The Elder "Lost Boy" is a lethal contemporary, and all mortals should pay attention to his intimidating looks: These are Slasher-fangs!


The Russian Upir / The Tongue-Fang-Vampire

In Russia exists a Vampire-bloodline that appears totally human, except one thing: the Tongue-Thorn. It is a toothlike thorn that hides in the tip of the tongue. The Upir penetrates with the tongue-fang the skin of the victim and breaks the skin just as easely as other fangs do. They either push the Thorn-fang straight into the skin, or they slash it by moving the tongue up and down.
Their teeth usually have no sign of vampiric appearance.