We part for ever from today, 
Farewell beloved one; 
And I, unto my death ,your way 
Will shun. 

I care not now where you may go. 
You can no more bereave me, 
Today the sweetest girl I know 
Does leave me. 

Nor shall I as in former hours 
Build Spanish castles high, 
With star-lit windows ,and with towers 
Of sky. 

When ,shivering with bitter cold, 
Through winter nights uncertain, 
I watched lest you perhaps unfold 
Your curtain. 

O what delight to stroll with you 
Beneath the flowering plum-trees, 
When poured its light their branches hrough, 
The moon. 

How often did I secret pray 
Swift night her sails would furl, 
That we night thus forever stray, 
Fair girl ! 

That I might catch with rapturous thrill 
The words that you let fall, 
And that today I barely still 

For if today I part the veil 
And see what time portended, 
I feel that long ago the tale 
Was ended. 

And when the moon enrapts the streams 
And trembles on the fen, 
A thousand years have flown it seems 
Since then. 

For I no longer am confined 
In that sweet country's spell ; 
Aye, I have left you far behind, 

English version by Corneliu M. Popescu