So delicate, so pure you are 
As april's snow-white cherry bloom; 
An angel come to earth, a star 
That does within my chamber loom. 

The silken carpet at your tread 
Whispers softly, and you seem, 
From tiny foot to high poised head, 
To float as lightly as a dream. 

Amidst your mantle's hanging folds 
Your limbs like burning marble glow. 
Your magic all my spirit holds, 
Your eyes that brim both joy and woe. 

Your beauty like a dream beguiles, 
Fair as a bride's in legends old; 
Smile not, dear heart, because your smiles 
Are beauty in your face retold. 

How surely neath the cloak of night 
Could you destroy me with your charms, 
A burning word of love's delight, 
A single clasp of your cold arms. 

And now a veil of meditation 
Creeps, and clouds your eyes' deep fire; 
The shadow of renunciation, 
The shade of sweet, unquenched desire. 

You go, l understand too well 
To try to keep you by my side; 
For me forever lost, farewell, 
O strange and lovely legend's bride! 

To gaze on you itself was wrong. 
How can l ever make amends, 
Save by lamenting all life long  
The happiness that this day ends. 

As Mary's icon now you glow  
With holy light that cannot wane 
Wearing a halo on your brow. 
O come to me, come back again! 


English version by Corneliu M. Popescu