So fresh and frail you are, my love,

You seem a snow-white cherry-flower

And like an angel from above

You cross my life's course at this hour.

Your steps on carpets fall like beams

Silk rustles softly under them -

You float as airily as dreams

From lovely head to graceful hem.


From creases of your long attire

A marble statue you arise:

I wish I could read some desire

In your auspicious, tearful eyes.


You, happy dream bestowed on us

- Among the fairest brides a star -

You should not smile! for smiling thus

You only show how sweet you are.


Oh, try to dim for aye my eye

With blessed nightly charms

With loving whispers warm and sly

With your enfolding icy arms.


A thought may flash - just veiled, unmeant

And make your burning eyes turn ashen:

 It is the dark abandonment,

The shadow brought about by passion.


You're living, and I clearly see

Your steps I ought to follow not,

 As you're for ever lost to me –

The bride my very soul begot.


To see you was my fault alone;

I can't forgive myself again:

My dream of light I will atone

By stretching out my arms in vain.


Before me you will rise one morning

 The deathless Virgin to portray –

A coronet your brow adorning.

Whereto? Will you return some day?


Translated by Andrei Bantas