What is love ? A lifetime spent  
Of days that pain does fill, 
That thousand tears can't content, 
But asks for tears still. 

With but a little glance coquet 
Your soul it knows to tie, 
That of its spell you can't forget 
Until the day you die. 

Upon your threshold does it stand, 
In every nook conspire, 
That you may whisper hand in hand 
Your tale of heart's aspire. 

Till fades the very earth and sky, 
Your heart completely broken, 
And all the world hangs on a sigh, 
A word but partly spoken. 

It follows you for weeks and weeks 
And in your soul assembles 
The memory of blushing cheeks 
And eyelash fair that trembles. 

It comes to you a sudden ray 
As though of starlight's spending, 
How many and many a time each day 
And every night unending. 

For of your life has fate decreed 
That pain shall it enfold, 
As does the clinging water-weed 
About a swimmer hold. 


English version by Corneliu M. Popescu