Be gone, Day that I was born

And Night who said:”A child has won!”

That day ought to be darkness

And light shouldn’t caress

Be desolate thee, Night

And no joy penetrate

Be cursed by ones who curse the days

In all those Luciferian ways…


Darkened be the stars of your dawn

To wait the light; nothing to appear

And let not see the streak of aurora

For not closing the womb that conceived me

And for not hiding the pain before my eyes.

I was made out of dust,

So will I end, as it’s thy wish

But ket me watch another sunrise

Before I leave not to return

From the land of darkness

land of shadows

Where even LIGHT is DARK!





Into my kingdom I call you

Flower of unknown passion

Grab the hand I give

And let us fly upon God's reflection.

Two birds in the omniscient darkness.


Spread your wings and hope, believe,

Think that you are the beginning

Which ends into the murky stream of endless desire.

Two dolphins coming out of the oceans of sadness

Reaching the waters of deep love…


It is not true…

"What are you running for?"

But she…is gone, so…I can be alone…

Alone with my thoughts only.

The candle reflects in the mirror…