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                     Below are the Headings of the Picture I have Painted and I offer as linkware. Cascading down is a scroll where you can select a specific page which interests you! Sorry, anyone selling anything on your web site is not allowed to download my Graphics, but you are more than welcome to send me an email. I do special requests. Email To view the Pictures, just click on the link, a seperate page will open for your viewing purposes. This saves loading all the graphics on one page. To save the Picture, right click the Picture to download. This will download the graphics to your hard drive. You must include a link on your page to and state that the graphic is by The Tilly Garden. Please drop by often as this page will continually be updated!

Sorry I haven't gotten this page loaded yet, but do come back soon, I'm sure I will then.

I have a few requests, if you download anything from my site, please give ownership. Do not claim as your own, and give a link back to my site. Do not make any profit from my graphics..and do not try and copy my work. I work very hard coming up with new and creative art. If you want to continue seeing work I've done then follow my simple rules.
Thank you..

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