----------------------------------------Black Panther-----------------------------------------
Black Panther
Change your foreground colour to black. Then using your flood fill tool, solid colour no texture added flood fill your selection. Select none.
Look at your graphic, you will notice spots that need to be filled. Take your retouch tool, I would say, no bigger size than 13, hardness 18, step 10, opacity and density 100, change your tool to push. Go to the outline layer on your layers palette, then using your magic wand select all the outside areas of your outline, again holding down the shift key. Then go to selections invert. Go to selections contract by 1. Then push outwards towards the outline all the areas which are not covered. Look over your panther carefully make sure you have all areas covered.
Now add a new layer, Go to cutout and use the following settings. Notice the color, its white.
Go to your layers palette, and turn off the outline then merge the bottom 3 layers. Add noise, uniform of 12.
Now using your magic wand once more, select the tip of the tail by going to the outline layer, then modify expand by 2. Then create a new layer below this and flood fill solid color. Then repeat this step for pads of the feet, but choose a dark brown. I used #593b11. You are finished, merge visible. Now add a nice background and enjoy your pic!
You can create other skins for different Cat effects. Experiment!!
This tutorial is property of The Tilly Garden, under NO circumstances should profit be made from this tut, nor should it ever be copied and duplicated and stated as someone elses work. This is copywrited material. What images you create from the tutorial is yours to do as you please.
© 2001 The Tilly Garden