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We are Egyptians







my name is


3 rd century AD

Louvre museum















I am from Akhmim,

upper Egypt

now you'll find me in

New York, 

The Metropolitan 

Museum of Art




I was found in Antinoopolis

now I am in 

Dijon, Museum of FineArts,





















my name is Eutychès, second quarter of 2nd

century, now I'm in

New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art




















they've found me in Antinoopolis

I'm now present in :

Detroit, The Detroit Institute of Arts














a selection from 


El Fayyoum portraits


dating back from:


1st century to

 4th century AD





 These portraits were found in Egypt 

    dating back from the 1st century

  AD, to the 4th century AD. They were found in many places: 

  Akhmim, Hawwara, Anssena, (Antinopolis) ,etc... El Fayyoum 

  most of them were found in El Fayyoum.



    see how they exactly look like modern Egyptians !!!



the portraits  were found in ancient  tombs , in the coffins of these

people. they were drawn in their life, on wood.

After death, they went with them in their coffins.



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