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In the 21 January 1951 section, what position did Eustace Dolan hold in the future of 1970? (Answer at bottom of the page)

The cover to issue 2

The first story focuses on a screenwriter who is visiting a resort trying to finish his latest script. During his working vacation he comes into contact with the world of the Spirit. This story is a biting commentary on Hollywood, movie scripts and real life. The screenwriter feels that his audience wants no romance, no heroes, just the real world of violence. As our narrator finds romance, adventure and heroes in the world of the Spirit, he rejects them - not because he does not long for them, he just can't fit them into his world.

The second story involves a missing scientist (female) and the Octopus. While the story is nothing new, the way in which the Spirit gets away from Dolan and makes his way to the abandoned building where the Octopus is holding the doctor is hilarious.

The final story revists a theme that Eisner used many times: life is not easy. Spinx is a criminal who is just released from Prison. As he leaves he remarks that his luck is going to change. Unfortunately it changes for the worse. As the story progresses, Spinx gets deeper and deeper into trouble through a string of bad luck resulting in his reincarceration - this time for murder. Ultimately it is Spinx's choices that get him into trouble.

This issue is a great reminder that not all stories have to focus on the main character. The first and last story use a point of view other than the Spirits to tell the story. I found myself much more sympathetic to the character of Myron and Spinx because of this technique. It is ironic that Myron states at the end of the first story: "Whose story is this anyway?" Another great issue!

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The Spirit: The New Adventures #2

April, 1998

"The Return of Mink Stole"

story Neil Gaiman

art Eddie Campbell

"Sunday in the Park with St. George"

story Jim Vance

art & lettering Dan Burr

"Spinx the Jinx in the Game of Life"

story John Wagner

art & color Carlos Ezquerra

cover Will Esiner & Mark Schultz

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Trivia Answer: Governor.(For more information, click here)