
There are butterflies with razor sharp teeth biting into your stomach. Saying to your self “who will I meet? Who will be friends with me?” Then as the bus leaves there are tears of homesickness slowly dripping down your cheek. As you try to say goodbye through the tinted window, the tears come down rapidly like a waterfall of sadness. Then coming toward you is a counselor. He or she sits next to you and puts their arm around you and tells you what a fun time you are going to have. You feel a little bit better as you think about it. Oh no! The bus pulls into camp. You start to cry cause you are worried and you can’t turn back. It’s ok because there is friendly staff to help you feel right at home. Here it is the phone call. You walk to the office. The lady directs you to one of the phones and tells you to wait till it rings. You pick it up and your parents are telling you how good you are for going to sleep away camp for the first time. Oh no you cry because you miss seeing your parents and you want to go back. You say you want to go home but you don’t mean it. Inside you want to stay at camp but you don’t know how to tell your parents. You start to cry more and those butterflies come back. How will your parents react when you tell them? Your parents ask why you are crying. You try to answer, it can’t come out. The butterflies are attacking hard, then, its to late the lady says your five minutes are up. You hang up the phone and run to your bunk and cry. For the past few days you write your parents homesick letters saying you want to go home. They feel bad and say they are going to pick you up. Then you are nervous because you are going to have to go to a really bad day camp. So just in time you write them that cheerful letter saying that you will stay and try to have fun. About a few days later you feel a lot better and having the time of your life. And before you know it camp ends and your crying cause you want to stay. Well you think back at the beginning of camp and think why did I do that. Summers over and now back to school. This was one of my experiences at camp now I am telling you not to take it the way I did because I wasted two weeks of my summer at this wonderful sleep-away camp homesick. Your parents want you to have a good time not to see these sad letters you send them. It hurts them badly. They want you to have a great time and have many great memories from the fantastic summer you had. Maybe you might even want to go back for another year.
