June 10th
It's lost! Loooost! My precious is lost! Not even the dear old Gollum could be more frustrated than me right now. In other words; my internet decided to break down and misbehave. *growl* Damn thing. But not just that! The TV is busted, as well! Yaaaaay! Hallelujah, blablabla and so on. Not. The updates are therefor hardly being done right now. I'm working on it. But damn, one should think that a little broadband and some net time didn't matter so much. But it does! And gods, how it does...

Well. I've been doing some covers for books, illustrations, paintings, etc. lately. And yesterday I got clearance on a project with one of Sweden's absolute best fantasy photographers. It's just a little fun, but still. I'm honored he'll let me dig through his archives. And who knows? Maybe there'll be some appearing as uber walls in the near future?

Tomorrow Sweden will (hopefully) kick some ass. Since my TV practically laughs at me, I'll have to go to mom and the brothers tonight and sleep there. The game is on eaaaarly in the morning. Ehr...well, eight is early for a game. Sort of. This soccer business has really made me start to think of ye old days, when I was playing. I was good, but could've been very, very good and in the swedish team if I hadn't quit. Soccer is so much fun! Ah...
*g* My mom has always said that I was born on a stadium. I guess she gave up on my femininity when my father the soccer coach dragged me all over Sweden for games. He rooted for us kids to become soccer players from the age of three... *LOL* Gods. My dad...

What's happening right now:
I'm trying to fix my internet! Aaaaaaaagh! Before I'll become insaaaaaane! (Ooops. Too late. Was born that way. *s*)

I'm finishing Vintersjälen. FINALLY. The only fic I don't feel for. I dunno...I guess I just lost interest in writing X&G fic after the finale. Conqueror fic and uber seems to be holding all the cards and possibilities nowadays.

The Swedish Fanfic Challenge round two is on. Carola has written some seriously GOOD stuff, which means that there'll be a sequel to Shopping with the Conqueror on SweFic soon!
Erik has delivered a nice tale about Aphrodite's Little Helper...it sounds cryptic. But it's not what you think when you read it. Linda B has a classic X&G fic, which is written in swedish. Anders is working on something too, but he is an enigma until the finished fic arrives. But rumour is that he'll be writing in english this time... Cokke will be writing. I hope. His The Eater of Flesh was one of the real highlights in the first challenge. Sarah is not writing this time, and that saddens me. She's got such a great sense of humor. Sofia G might actually be writing something with Borias in it! I'm curious!
Well. You should check it out, once the SFC page is up. The stories are usually really good, and all bards need encouragement to continue writing.

I'm struggling with two short stories; a fun little fic called 'Mad about you' (Callisto and Hope...) and a medieval/fantasy fic called "Dance my heart, sing my soul". Roughly translated titles, but still. They'll just be fillers if there isn't enough fics for the SFC.

I'm seriously considering a graphics category for the SFC. Many swedish xenites are damn good with pictures.

What's happening right now with the site:
The site had it's birthday in may. I can't believe it's been a whole year! It's amazing! I have to thank every one of the regular visitors for coming back and for appreciating the site.

There have been questions again, asking for an updates list. But I don't think it's smart to have one, since the site is only updated three to six times a month. And a list with five to twenty members would be a bit embarrassing, frankly. If I get fifty mails asking for a list, I will create one. But 'til then, there's no deal.

More wallpapers are on their way. The lack of broadband in my household has interfered with my plans for a larger update on the uber section. Three WHIS walls are done and ready. The requested Tiopa Ki Lakota wall is almost done. I'm working on the wanted Dar and Kerry wall... But darn it! -I want my internet!!!

Ah, yes. There's a new section being made again...this time it's time for another passion. Conqueror stories. Or rather graphics. There'll be walls and some links, etc. I wish to thank JB, Scylla and my brother for the push in the right direction with that project.

Xenario is on its verge to be completed. Links are being checked, remade and removed. The goal is to have no dead links within three months. Heh. That'll be fun to see, right? ;)

Uninteresting and boring stuff that's happened:

My hair is short, it's black and so the summer hit Stockholm with full force, laughing at my foolish act. Black hair is warm. Hot, even. (In both ways...) The baseball cap is now my best friend.

My brother gave me an Elton John ticket as a gift some months ago. The concert was this saturday, and I must say that this guy still rules. Three hours of playing, singing and talking. *s* And I got to howl along to 'Crocodile Rock' too. That made my weekend.

We had a Boriathon this sunday! *LOL* Well, we were supposed to. But it became a singalongathon instead. We watched MI, TBS, LLHOF, Sacrifice 1&2 and AFA. Well. And Once More, With Feeling from BtVS... Had a great time!

This week's "To do"-list:

Cut my hair! been there, done that
Get a job! *LOL*
Write the end of Vintersjälen. (Am finally writing it!)
Continue writing Mörkrets hjärta and Lost, found and Confused. (I'm working...)
Get on with Norse Con! Am working on it.
Solve the internet thingee and fix the TV.
Win one million dollars... that equalls about 10-11 swedish millions, you know. *g*
Get some sleep. THIS is utterly important!