December 20
My hands are black, blue, green, red, yellow, orange, purple and white. *LOL* I'm painting! Oooh, how I love to do that! Even if it means that I'll smell of the oils and paint for two days approx. There are two spots I'm gonna improve before the piece is done. I need more green. But I ran out of it, so I'll have to mix the specific shade from some other colours. Damn, I've not had this fun artistically in ages! I just got the urge to do a big, primal, dynamic painting that fit in the livingroom! Big, expressive and with attitude. If it wasn't so late here, there'd be loud music crowding the air and scents. Ah, can crowd. And inspire. Hm, where did I put my Tiamat CD? I need their album 'Wildflowers' for the finish, to relax.

What's happening right now:
Finally I'm done with the layout for the magazine Fëa. It's about interaction, theater, abstract stuff in general and this issue will be sooooo good! This time we went for a study in contrast. Black and white, originals and quotes. The mag looks like a cross between a Sandman album and SiP. Aaaaah. Am very, very pleased.

Ok, I will probably do a Xena convention here in Sweden. The work group should be ready to go in january and we've got LOTS of stuff to take care of. Of course the con will be named NORSE CON. *G* What else? The problem with a norse con is that we can't expect many people. It'll be open for everybody, yes. But how many would like to come to Sweden, waaaay up north and far, far away? Hm. We'll see about that. Gotta figure out where to start now.

What's happening right now with the site:
A wallpaper update will be done soon. The next FINfools page will also be up. Another project will be up too... what it is? Oh, you'll see...

Lists, links and such appear every now and then, so stay tuned!

As always, I want to thank each and every one of you for visiting this site. Thanks for your smiles, frowns and mail! Know this; without your feedback, there wouldn't be 18 FINfools pages. There would be five. See what you can do for a webmaster's inspiration? Anyway; thank you. Xenites rule. :)

I'm making a swedish version of the site. That's been my intention all along. After all, it's easier to master one's own language. I've just started to play around with the layout for that version and am having so much fun!!! I might as well re-design the SweFic page and give it a proper look and maybe a site of it's own, like I did with Subopia. That way you can either choose to see only the swedish fic's or the english ones. And more. We'll see... I'd like to switch language for a second, just have to get some information through!

Det ser ut som om min dator kärvar och envisas med att bli långsammare och långsammare. Detta kan delvis bero på att hårddisken för närvarande är alldeles fullpackad. Ska bränna ner alla bilder på CD och bli av med överskottet. På så vis kommer det bli tätare mellan uppdateringarna, då den lilla skrotburken kommer att gå smidigare. Hm, mer?
Jo, fanfictävlingen, för de som inte vet: DEADLINE är nu den 7:e januari.

Krogen är en ny über som jag har börjat skriva på. Det är ett litet projekt som givetvis är en klar inspiration/parodi av Baren. Tanken är att ni som läser fanficen ska kunna rösta ut folk, ge dem tittarnas val och plus, etc. Det är lite mycket nu med sajten, men Krogen kommer upp snart. Missa den inte!!!

Uninteresting and boring stuff that's happened:

I doubt that there's something more beautiful than Stockholm when it's snowing outside. Time for Christmas again, and ice. In the morning the sun shines through the clouds and the carousel starts over again... The climate changes are too much nowadays. I'm not complaining; I have a fondness for running in the rain and for building snowmen, it's just that none of these things lasts very long right now. I'm gonna have to cross my fingers and wish for a white Christmas. For now; it's storm outside. And GD cold inside! Need to fix the heat.

4 days to go, and then it's Christmas eve... *VBG* The big kid (me) went shopping yesterday. Window shopping. I'm on a temporary, limited budget. Me and my brothers are gonna buy a stuffed little flanel moose for mom. She loves that animal! She's got a tiny one called Elvis in the car. (Last years gift from her three kids. *G* We know what mamma likes! Cute things and Celine Dion albums.)

This week's "To do"-list:

Finish the screenplay. DONE
Go to the movies (friday) and se LOTR with Marcus. (My youngest brother.)
Write the end of Vintersjälen. (I just don't feel like it...)
Continue writing Mörkrets hjärta and Lost, found and Confused. (I'm working...)
Write part 3 of Time To Say Goodbye. (Soooon, I remembered part 2 first! Might dump the english version and re-write it in swedish.)
Finish the uber En dag på biblioteket. (It's pretty good!)
Call advertisers! DONE
Accept the invitation to the medeival fest. DONE
Order more 'French&Saunders' tapes. I love them...:D