January 22
Fell asleep on the couch from exhaustion and woke up half an hour ago, listening to the rain. Now that winter will begin to pass, the rains comes and goes as it pleases them. That's what you get from living in Sweden. Temperature changes, sudden weather changes and it gets dark somewhere around 3 pm. I love the autumn and the winter, but I do long for that summer...

And no. It's not because all swedes are running around naked. We don't. *gasp* We don't? Nope. The so-called swedish sin is basically a myth. And the blonde Inga from Sweden is a stereotype we have lots of fun with. The standard swede in most foreign movies are portrayed as promiscuous, blonde bossom queens/musular lads that are six feet tall, have blue eyes and talk with a slightly twisted accent that makes the swede in the audience laugh til they cry. We make radio and TV commercials with the intention to mock ourselves. And the stereotype given to us. *s* We make fun of practically everything. That's probably why swedes are so serious. They need to keep their self distance.

Hm, need a glass of water. Better go get. *seconds later* Ah, that's an improvement!

What's happening right now:
I'm working on some texts and paintings. I've got an article to write too this week, even though I can't say I feel motivated to write it. I need to rest after our last issue of the magazine. But no; there's always some work left that needs to be done.

What's happening right now with the site:
The first half of January was quite heavy when it came to the updates. So I've taken a short break, too find some inspiration and to relax a bit.

Lists, links and such appear every now and then, so stay tuned!

The swedish fanfic challenge is on, the last day of voting is friday. Which means that all the stories will be moved to the swedish fanfic section on sunday, if not sooner. Many of the stories are in english!

The swedish fanfic section will be slightly changed when I move the eleven sfc stories there. More fic in the swefic section will be translated into english, am I supposed to report. So here it goes; -translations are to appear in the months to come.

I'm wearing my baseball cap right this minute. Which means that there'll be some graphic updates anytime soon, in the form of wallpapers, uber pics and some jokes. I might re-construct the wallpaper section to make it faster.

A-fire are not cutting it's residents any slack. Now we're down to 20 MB/site. The old 50 MB might be taken from me, or they might send a bill. You never know with Angelfire. They just make the changes and then, when you log in, you find out what the hell they're up to. I hate when they do that. Hate, hate and hate with passion. What's wrong with people these days? Do they think we won't move our sites to servers that allows us more space for free, or to a smaller price? Heh. Poor bastards.

Uninteresting and boring stuff that's happened:

LOTR: Heh. Five views and more to go... We've discussed the Frodo/Sam and Gandalf/Bilbo subtext that can be seen if one wish to. Just to have fun, nothing else. The second time I saw it, people in the audience whispered 'Just kiss him, Sam!' And why not? They sure make a cute couple. Tolkien fans may kill me now. But the movie and the book are two separate things, and while I'd never imagined Frodo and Sam as anything but very close friends in the book, I can see subtext in the interaction on screen. I also want to announce that sir Ian McKellen rules, as always. The man IS Gandalf. Hands down.

This week's "To do"-list:

Finish two short fics. DONE
Pull my GD tooth out on thursday.
Write the end of Vintersjälen. (I just don't feel like it...)
Continue writing Mörkrets hjärta and Lost, found and Confused. (I'm working...)
Get on with Norse Con! Am working on it.
Family dinner this saturday. Prepare for uncle Peter's speech.
Get some sleep.