December 26
I'm home. Am done with the family traditions and presents, etc. Now it's only saturday left, when some relatives will show up and party. *s* Ah, that and New Year's of course. I've got some decisions to make... Friends, friends, family, more family or more friends? I know I'll end up somewhere on New Year's eve. But it depends on me this time. Five days left and the head is completely empty. Well. Hopefully things will be solved until then.

I got no Xena merchandise from Santa this year. Uhm. My cousin said something about 'you're gonna get it, a-ight!', so maybe there'll be some WP after all. What did I get? Brushes, water colors, canvas, sketch papers, pencils, video tapes, Madonna album, Tracy Chapman album, tickets and even more art stuff. Ah; and a pair of socks! Yaaaay! Believe me; one has to have socks here, it's freezing!!! And the floor boards are ice. NO joke.

My brothers were happy, thank gods! Emil got the LOTR trilogy, a big HEAVY book and lit up like a candle. My youngest brother Marcus got Devil May Cry for his Playstation 2. Mom and her boyfriend got DVD's for their new player. And all went well. Every single family member was pleased. And I called my dad to wish him a merry Christmas. He said he was going to a friend's house. He's getting LOTR tickets...

Loved dog is getting old. She's just sleeping all day long now. And begs for table scraps, like any other healthy labrador. She still has a quick mind and loves to play and goof around, but she's so much slower now. The dog's had a full, good life. It would be unrealistic to pretend she'll live forever. We'll probably have to...well. Well. She's lived her life. She's been happy. I shouldn't feel like crying. I'm a grown person now. I can take this. It's just a dog. But it's not. God...... it will be so hard. This will be her last year, she's so tired. Her nose is white and she is beautiful. A fourteen year old friend to be proud of.

What's happening right now:
I just finished some sketches for a new painting and will start with it in a couple of days. I want it to be rough cut and expressive; strong, yet soft and shy. Need colors... red, orange, blue, green... And something to neutralize it with. It'll be two women, a close-up. And the title will be "Lost Comfort" (rough translation). Distance, silence, years. Hm...yeah, I think we have a concept! Hurray. Do not listen to certain sad songs, they will make you want to paint your heart out.

An artist happened to see one of my pieces over at a customers house. She was impressed with it and said I could make a lot of money if I just contacted a gallery. A LOT of money. I'm pretty stunned. Should I or shouldn't I? Am I good enough? Maybe, maybe not. It's worth a shot.

Right now I'm drinking chocolate milk. I make it better than Elin in Fucking Åmål does.
Fun -but irrelevant- fact; Alexandra, (who plays Elin), used to be on my route when I worked as a mail(wo)man.

What's happening right now with the site:
The subtext calendar project is up, so that's done. Got some mails about making an Uber calendar instead and might do that. New Gab walls and Xena walls (maybe even episode walls) wants to be done. The FINfools are on vacation, but will be back soon. I promise! ;)

Lists, links and such appear every now and then, so stay tuned!

The swedish fanfic section (Swefic) will be updated soon. And english versions of some stories will be available too! (And no, it's not my horrible english. Which means that you'll actually be able to read them! *g*)

Uninteresting and boring stuff that's happened:

It's still snowing! We had to go and dig up my dad's car yesterday, since it was buried in snow. The little thing had just stopped three days ago, and refused to move. It's amazing what a little hard work and a good shovel can do.

Stopped by my grandparent's today. It was their anniversary so me and mom went to the graveyard to light candles for them and wish them well.

I need to see a dentist. My tooth is killing me... I've called my dentist, but she hasn't called me back yet. Uuuuuh...

This week's "To do"-list:

Organise a meeting for the magazine. Also pack and post it to all 1800 addresses. *sigh*
Write the first episode of Krogen. (Mailed the teaser before the holidays...)
Call the dentist. (AGAIN.)
Finish Tropic of Desire. (Just started to read it...)
Do some Updates!!! (Soon.)
Write the end of Vintersjälen. (I must do this...)
Continue writing Mörkrets hjärta and Lost, found and Confused. (I'm working...)
Write part 3 of Time To Say Goodbye. (Soooon, I remembered part 2 first! Might dump the english version and re-write it in swedish.)
Finish the uber En dag på biblioteket. (It's pretty good!)